Sunday 6 January 2013

A Magical Mystery Tour

It was our last day to spend with Alison and Regan before they returned to Australia. Liverpool is the home of so many famous singers, so the choices had to include 'The Beatles ' exhibition and a ferry ride across the Mersey River, in memory of that song by Jerry and the Pacemakers.

The Beatles exhibition was fantastic and we could have spent a lot longer than the two and a half hours that we did. It was informative and interactive as you can see by the photos. Chris got up on stage in the Cavern club and did a rendition of 'She loves me, yeah, yeah, yeah, and I joined John and Yoko for their love in!!!

Then we were off for the ferry ride across the Mersey. Each time the ferry leaves the dock it plays 'that song'. The sun was shining as we left the dock and I managed to get some great photos of the city. We were very stoic and stayed outside for as long as we could before heading inside for some warmth and shelter from the wind.

Liverpool is different from what I expected, they have revamped the waterfront and there are some magnificent parks and beautiful old buildings which are being restored. There are still large tracts of industrial land but its tempered with the new restorations, which give the city a softer edge.

After the morning's activity we went to the old Pump House for lunch where we shared a platter of mini burgers and chips. It was decided that Alison and I would go for an afternoon walk through a park nearby our hotel while Himself and Regan would pick up the hire car needed for the drive to Gatwick tomorrow.

Our walk in Sefton Park was relaxing, the park was like a mini Central Park, NY, waterfalls, streams, grottoes and bridges interspersed with beautiful vistas of green spaces alternating with groves of trees.

Later, we were having a leisurely afternoon cuppa when a distraught Regan burst in on us saying that he had lost Himself. The plan had been for Himself to wait in the Fiesta outside the hire car building and to follow Regan home, as Regan had been given the satnav

However when Regan had driven out of the building, the Fiesta was nowhere to be seen. Thoughts of Himself lost in Liverpool with no phone, no map, ipad or satnav sent shivers down my spine. And being Himself, he had no idea of the name of the hotel or the street where we were staying.
There was nothing we could do but sit and wait and hope he would return.

Not long later that evening we discovered Himself in the hotel bar partaking of a calming ale - where else would you expect to find him?

He explained that while waiting a vauxhall pulled up behind him and flashed his lights. He knew that Regan was to pick up a vauxhall. The car then pulled out in front, and it being dark and himself seeing a male driver, he instinctively followed.
He began to sense a problem when the car in front descended into the Mersey Tunnel, but as all drivers know there's no turning back once entering a tunnel.
Himself has been blessed with a wonderful sense of direction and luckily was able to find his way back.

He now has the satisfaction of knowing that he has been on his own MAGICAL MYSTERY TOUR and survived to tell the tale!

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