Wednesday 2 January 2013

As I walked out one evening, beside the River Dee.

One of my most enjoyable memories of our time in Wales, were the afternoon walks , through the fields with Himself and Buffy. The walk was about 2 to 3 miles long, following the river and then back past the Royal Oak down High Street. Buffy seemed to like to pop into the Royal Oak for a pint on the way home.

Wellingtons were a must as the ground was so wet. Walking through mud is a wonderful feeling, especially when you know you're never going to get dirty. You can squelch and slide away to your hearts content. I don't know if the dogs feel the same way about it, but from all appearances, they don't seem to mind. Every second resident in Bangor on Dee has a dog, the walk is very popular.

The smartest dogs I've seen on the river walk, are the border collies. These dogs can open the kissing gates all by themselves, not an easy thing for a dog to do! As you need to push it open a certain distance, walk in, then open it the other way.

In the first field you encounter sheep, they have a healthy respect for all dogs and move as far away from you as they can.
The second field contains horses, they love a pat and don't worry about the dogs.
In the third field a few cows graze, who are only intent on eating and not interested in you at all. And in the last field are Shetland ponies who also love a pat but are a bit more wary of the dogs.

This afternoon we clamoured over the fence, through the kissing gate, and up the stairs of the levee bank only to discover the Dee had broken its banks and the path was covered by a metre of water. Buffy suggested an alternate walk up High Street to The Royal Oak. With Himself in agreement I was outvoted and we headed off towards High Street.

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