Saturday 29 December 2012

Adventure on the High Seas

After much discussion, it was decided a day out on the water was just the thing to do on a wet, bleak, chilly December day. Two of the group had boat licences and were experienced, with claims of ocean fishing and water skiing to their credit, what more guarantee did I need for a successful expedition on a canal boat on the sedate Shropshire Union Canal.

The canal traverses over 65 miles from Wolverhampton to Ellesmere Port at Liverpool. We were going to do a small stretch, just south of Chester.

Plans were made, - Buffy was taken for an early morning walk, the lunch was packed, thermos filled and a bottle of wine included to keep up our spirits.

Norm, the owner of the vessel had assured us of a memorable day out (monetary incentives didn't influence him at all). He advised us to stop at the Cheshire ice cream shop and if we had plenty of time to motor on down to Beeston Castle. The Cheshire Cat Arms was where we had to return to by 4.30pm, reason being it was dark by then (the real reason was, it had fantastic meals and the notoriety of being the best pub in the area). A quick lesson was then given in reversing and undertaking 180 turns on the canal, he shook our hands and we were on our way. The throttle was in top gear and we were full steam ahead, Norm waved goodbye and shouted a farewell message but it was lost in the hum of the engine and the excitement of the journey as we set off downstream.

With our two intrepid captains at the helm, we were in safe hands. Alison and I headed towards the galley to make a cuppa. The scenery was captivating, beautiful English homes, conservatories, and cultivated lawns. Ducks and swans sailed by and we saw squirrels in the trees.
It wasn't long before we noticed that we were passing a series of canal boats tied up alongside the canal. They were all shapes and sizes and well kitted out. Deck chairs and barbecues littered the banks alongside of dogs, solar panels, windmills and garden furniture, which all added to a picture of junky domesticity. The inhabitants were very friendly , waving and coming out on deck to shout a greeting. Or so we thought!

The hand waving soon turned into dodgy hand signals and the greetings evolved into shouts of " slow down you idiots". What's a little wash good for, but to liven things up!

Our captains quickly dropped back a gear to a more sedate speed and once again life resumed its leisurely pace on the Shropshire Union Canal. We never made it to Beeston Castle but the ice cream and the scenery were fantastic.

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