Monday 3 December 2012

B & B's a great way to travel

 I arrived down for breakfast to see himself quietly spooning fresh yoghurt  onto his meusli. The fire had been lit, the best china (Royal Albert Roses) had been laid  on a starched white linen cloth. I looked across to see a silver teapot and an extra one full of hot water.          Well someone knows the way to win my heart. Easily won you might think, but this is first time since leaving Australia that someone else has made me tea with loose tea leaves (apart from himself of course).                                                                                                                                                                          Aromas of freshly brewed coffee mingled with the smell of bacon, eggs and sausages coming from the kitchen. So intent on what he was doing he didn't even look up as I took this happy snap. Ths scones and soda bread were warm and fresh and I was informed there was even homemade rhubarb jam! 
What a find, this is where we had ended up after becoming lost the night before.               Chris had gone into a local pub looking for accomodation . He was asked, for how many, Chris replied 50 and the response came back quick and sharp 'we'll open the church'. Fortunately we were directed up the road to our lovely hosts.  So here I was sipping tea and swapping photos with the hostess. Coincidently, her daughter was married at the same time as mine. It was hard to drag myself away from the lovely view and even harder to drag himself away from talking about fishinng, boats .... yah de ya.... with the host.
Take a look at the dinner size we were served up while staying at a B & B on Mull. All those spuds, maybe she thought we were in training for the Iron Man Loch Swim ! The meal was delicious a wild venison pie, topped with pastry puffs.
Spoilt for choice in B & Bs.
The hydrangers are still looking great.
Another magical place with unbelievable trees.

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