Thursday 21 February 2013

A case of mistaken identity

Ever met someone whom you thought you knew and then it turns out you were wrong, that it was just a case of mistaken identity. It happens with monotonous regularity to himself. He is not only mistaken for acquaintances, past work mates or a friend of a friend, but usually it's for quite a famous lookalike.

Rolf Harris, Kenny Rogers and now Steven Speilberg, there seems no end to the list of celebrities that himself has been mistaken for???

Last week in Bath we went to see a Steven Speilberg film, Lincoln. On our way there we popped into a nearby grocery store to grab a few snacks for the movie and guess what, it happened again. The shop assistant asked Himself if he was 'Steven Speilberg'?

Himself is becoming a tad deaf lately and didn't answer straight away, giving the poor chap some false hope that a celebrity had walked into his shop.

But being an honest fellow, 'who wouldn't tell a lie', he revealed the truth, letting him down gently by saying he was not the first to mistake him for Steven Spielberg.

Will the real Chris please stand up.
You be the judge, check out the photos below and see if you can tell who's who.

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