Wednesday 13 February 2013


LOST - One black Labrador answering to the name ALFIE. Friendly, loving, playful, a substantial reward is offered for any information leading to his whereabouts.

A trusted housesitters worst nightmare had come true, we had lost the dog.. He was somewhere outside on a bleak cold February night with temperatures close to freezing.

The 'Trusted Housesitters' advert, had said, a challenging escapologist pooch, why hadn't I paid more attention to those words. Being a teacher I had written numerous reports, of all people I should know the true meaning of the word, 'challenging' - avoid, avoid, avoid, at all costs especially if you value your sanity. But yet we had taken on this job without a second thought. I have been on holidays way too long.

Himself had been watching the late night movie and nodded off towards the end. During the split second that his eyes had closed Alfie had made his escape. Himself had sworn that all the doors had been closed, in fact he had woken me from a peaceful slumber to inform me of the very fact. Now after searching the house and the gardens at 1am in the morning, I was now wide awake and full of dread about what could have happened to Alfie.......?

"Was he lying bleeding, the hapless victim of a car accident.
Or could he have been knocked senseless on slippery rocks after bounding headfirst into a stream.
Worse still had he been taken by dognappers or been set upon by wild beasts.
More likely, he would be freezing to death in the open fields with no shelter."

There was no end to the disturbing images,my imagination was running wild on overdrive. Sleep eluded me and I tossed and turned until the grey light of dawn, crept in through the bedroom windows.
Unlike himself who matter of factly said Alfie would turn up in the morning and had promptly taken himself off to bed, and within minutes was softly snoring.

The morning arrived and with it a phonecall. Alfie had spent the night at the neighbours, arriving there just before midnight.

Himself collected him and brought him home. Alfie was very subdued. He made a beeline for his basket, consumed a couple of 'Bonio' beefy, biscuits, washed them down with water from his bowl and then went straight to sleep, exhausted from the nights adventures.

Apparently it appears thar Alfie is very fond of the two nice little female beagles who reside down the lane at the neighbours house.

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