Thursday 8 November 2012

In search of the pot of gold!

We finally had a sunny day and thought we'd visit the Isle of Lismore.
This week we'd been staying in a wee cottage in Port Appin, a quiet village on the loch, south of Fort William, on the western coast.
Across from where we were staying is Lismore and to get across to the island you caught a passenger ferry for £3 from the pier.
The day we went we shared the voyage with two Scottish terriers.

At the pier, from which the ferry left, there was a gorgeous hotel where the rich and famous wined and dined.

We had called in there a few times during the week, on the pretense to have a drink, but really it was to get wifi access.
We'd watched and envied guests partaking in fabulous meals. It had the reputation of being one of the best seafood restaurants in Scotland.

Each time we arrived there was a roaring fire creating a very convivial atmosphere. We'd met a lot of people, all very friendly.
One afternoon, I'd indulged in the most delicious fruitcake served with butter, very scrumptious and yummy. A whole new way to enjoy fruitcake

I was there tapping away at the ipad, one night, when one of our new found friends bought in some of his entree for Chris to try - blood pudding with scallops on a pea purée - appetising heh!
Unlikely as it seems after a 'taster' like that........... Well er, we decided we'd splurge on a meal at 'The Pier'.

Check out the photos below.......those red things that I'm eating are langoustines - Scottish equivalent to a prawn. They are red to begin with, unlike Australian seafood which turns red after cooking.

Anyway to return to Lismore - a very green isle where apparently a lot of people had left their motorcycles in search of a pot of gold. They must have found it because the motorbikes looked pretty abandoned.

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