Saturday 13 October 2012

7 Tips to be a Winner at Maze Negotiation

Traquir House is the home of the Stuart Family, in the border area of Scotland (that's bonnie prince Charlie's family).
It's a large country manor which has been added to over the centuries. Set amongst magnificent grounds, with a stream winding its way through the estate.
The main gates were closed in the 1700's and the driveway is grassed over. It is said that they won't be opened again until a Stuart is on the throne of Scotland.
Fortunately, for us they've put in a side entrance. There's a cafe selling Jacobite beer, a woodland walk, tour of the house, lots of craft shops and a maze.
We enjoyed participating in all of the above - some more than others!

So here are my 7 tips

1. When you think you're going North, it's actually South.

2. Wear high heels to see above the hedge.

3. Leave a trail - pebbles, paper, leaves etc.

4. Confiscate your companions trail or redirect to a dead end.

5. Ask for guidance from the local animal spirit ( in this case it was a bear).

6. When your companion is in earshot, proclaim loudly that you've found the exit. In actual fact it's only another dead end.

7. If all else fails carry a pair of secateurs to cut your way out.

Unfortunately I had no secateurs, so I had to concede defeat.

Victory Drink

Locked Gates

Traquir House Maze

Woodland Walk


The Animal Spirit

4 centres to be found and one exit

Sweet Success

Traquir House

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