Friday 12 October 2012

Return to Edinbvrgh

It was morning. I was semi awake. Something warm and wet was caressing the side of my face, becoming more insistent with each lick. I tried to open my eyes and focus, there looming above me was a large, dark, black, unfamiliar head, outlined in the dim glow of the early morning Edinburgh light...............It was DIGBY!

Realisation flooded my mind, I was in the Potter's house, this was their enormous flat coated retriever studying me with his big, brown, eyes. I knew the only escape from 'death by licking' was to succumb to his wishes. I stumbled reluctantly out from under the warm doona and down the steps to the first landing. My feet collided with warm soft fur - ZOE, the border collie. We all clambered down the last remaining flight of stairs and out through the kitchen to reach the back door. I fumbled with the key, I could sense Digby's urgency. Finally the door opened and both dogs exploded into the darkness of a cold, October, Scottish morning.
Welcome back to Scotland.

Yesterday I returned back from my sad trip home. It was lovely to see friends and family again but also very very sad, especially to say goodbye to my wonderful father and to witness his grief over the death of my mother. It was dad who gave me the nickname, as a child, of General Franco - not sure why?
Had a great trip back with Emirates, plenty of legroom as I sat up the front on the first section, 3 hrs wait in Dubai, then 3 seats to myself on the last leg. Then my luck ran out. I encountered the custom officer from h....... in Glasgow. Apparently, she informed me, if I watched the border control series from Australia, I should know what to expect. If she didn't like my answers then that was it - back on the plane! She wasn't interested in documents only what I said, and the more I said the less she liked me - funny that. I finally made it passed her and on to the baggage claim only to discover that my bag wasn't there. Apparently I'd made the mistake of being too long in customs and they'd taken my bag. Bit inconsiderate of me. Eventually  found my bag and made my way, out into departures to be greeted by Chris. He was hoping for a joyous reunion but was met by a crying hysterical women instead. I' m now an avid watcher of border control, I'm hoping all will be revealed on how to negotiate your way, hassle free, thru customs.



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