Friday 19 October 2012

Goodbye to Edinbvrgh, DIGBY & ZOE

Today we leave this beautiful city, we've thoroughly enjoyed our stay here.

The castles, the tattoo, the shopping, the people, the rugby, the fabulous bars, but most of all we'll miss our time with DIGBY & ZOE.

I'll miss....

DIGBY barking at 6am when the newspaper is delivered.

DIGBY rousing me in the morning when he wants to be let out.

ZOE snuggling up for cuddles, whenever DIGBY wasn't in sight.

Taking the dogs for walks in Ravelston Woods, a beautiful forest walk.

Hiding from the BLACK Labrador - the only dog in the world that hates DIGBY.

Having coffee at Almond River mouth after walking the dogs along the Firth, chatting to other dog walkers.

Having a conversation with a dog who thought he could talk (we knew he could).

Stopping DIGBY from eating the mail, including the postcard I never got to read.

DIGBY joining us for dinner, he could put his head on the table while standing up.

The exuberant welcome we received from them both when ever we returned.

DIGBY hiding ZOE's ball, because she always beat him at catch.

DIGBY's lack of understanding of personal space.

Well perhaps to be truthful there'll only be some of these things that I'll miss.

Tug of War
Digby never quite mastered SIT
Zoe loved to beat Digby at any opportunity
Coffee Break
The Firth of forth
Our car outside where we stayed

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