Friday 19 October 2012

Yet Another............Tantallon Castle

View from Tantallon Castle
Out the window, Ship Inn, Nth Berwick

The day started fine and sunny and we took the opportunity of heading out of town to a few historic attractions.

Actually Chris was feeling particularly generous and succumbed to the idea of another castle visit. I'm feeling a little nervous about payback.

We headed east and stopped at a beautiful little town called Haddington. St Mary's Church was listed in the historical guide as definitely worth visiting, because of the marble effigies in the church.

Our GPS lady was insistent about recalculating as Chris decided she didn't know the way.

Eventually we arrived at a beautiful old church. The setting was very romantic, moss covered gravestones, autumn tones on the trees and a stream winding its way past the kirk.

However after 3 trips around the church we weren't able to open any doors.
Inside we could hear music playing and peeping through the keyholes we could see people moving around.
We consulted the guidebook - October - only open on Sundays and of course it wasn't Sunday .
We were just about to leave when the door opened, it was the bell mechanic and he said yes I'm sure the florist will show you through.
There was a local wedding the next day and all the tradespeople were there to prepare the church for the grand event.

To cut a long story short we came away with a book, we were given about the restoration, and an invite to the wedding.

Lunch was at North Berwick in a cosy little pub.

The afternoon was spent at the castle
Built on another fantastic location, so it would be safe from all attackers. Life must have been pretty precarious back then.

The wearher's fantastic
Secluded beach for private sunbathing!
Nothing stops the Scots from Golf

Used to be inhabited

The castle on the edge of the cliff

Fish Pie & Parsnip Soup with chips

Beach gear for Scots
A long way down without the floors

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