Monday 15 October 2012

Fortitude needed for the crossing of the Forth Bridge

The Forth road Bridge is 2.5 k long and apparently it can sway up to 7 metres from side to side. In high winds it is closed. Today it was calm and sunny, the perfect day for walking across it. We rugged up, I have 3 Thermal layers under that jacket.
I didn't realise until I was on it that it also moves up and down. An actual 1.7 metres, it's worse when you stand still because you can actually feel it moving a lot more. Chris was amazed at the cable ties tied onto the supporting steel wire and who'd be the guy who'd have to climb up the wire and do the job.
We made it to the other side and walked down to north Queensferry for lunch. A lovely old pub and it was hard work deciding, but what better than fish and chips. They had an amazing assortment of condiments in sachets to add.
Down on the jetty there was a film crew. They were filming a vodaphone commercial, something to do with painting the forth rail bridge red - get the connection!!
We walked around just to look up at that massive structure, built in the 1890s, so impressive.
Then back over the road bridge and home, just in time to take DIGBY and Zoe for their afternoon walk.
Chris reckons the dogs are wearing him down as he also takes them for an early morning stroll.
The Forth Road Bridge

Zoe loves fetching a ball

What's for lunch

The cable Ties

It Shakes

A long way across
Rail bridge taken from the road bridge
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Hitching a Ride

Resting those legs

Under the Forth Rail Bridge
Picture Perfect

Grandma's Chair

1 comment:

  1. Damm...that's a great looking bridge (and the fish for lunch looks mighty tasty!)
